May 5, 2016 Full Contact


We pulled together some of the most interesting articles we’ve read recently – and included the quotes that got us talking the most.

What Consumers are Really Looking for in a Wired Home
Source: AdWeek
The Internet of Things is no longer just a farfetched idea of the future; it’s becoming reality at an amazing pace. All aspects of life are soon going to be touched by IoT, so Mindshare decided to survey consumers to see exactly what people expect and want from it, specifically in their homes. The results show that consumers are interested in connected devices all around the home (refrigerator, car, shampoo bottles, security system, etc.), but are concerned with the privacy of the devices. Around 57% of respondents claimed to be concerned with companies knowing how often, when and how they are using their products. Your fridge letting you know you ran out of ice cream for the fourth time this month is one thing, but your fridge company knowing that information is a whole other thing!

Twitter Will Be Live-Streaming 10 NFL Games Next Season
Source: Digiday
Twitter announced this week that they have won the rights to live-stream the first ten Thursday night games of the NFL season this fall. Anyone and everyone will have live access to the games, with no cable login or Twitter account necessary. In addition to live-streaming the game itself, Twitter will be posting live pre and post game Periscope streams. This deal with the NFL is huge for Twitter, as they were able to beat out Facebook, Amazon and Verizon, and it has the potential to make up for some of their struggle to attain new users. Football season cannot come soon enough (for Twitter, but also for Pats fans of course)!

The Luxury Smart Bracelet That Wants to Rid City-Dwellers of Stress
Source: Digiday
Living in the city, sometimes it’s hard to remember just to relax and breathe in some fresh (maybe not) air. That’s where the Sona smart bracelet by Caeden comes in. The Sona bracelet is similar to most other wearable fitness trackers in that it tracks your heart rate and your steps, but it goes above and beyond the other ones with its Resonance program. The program is a series of breathing exercises that wearers can turn to whenever they need it, whether it’s right when they wake up or before the long commute home. It’s safe to say cities would be a lot calmer if everyone wore one of these bracelets!


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