May 26, 2017 Chris Milne

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Up until now, cable customers haven’t really had a choice about the Internet and TV package they get. Instead, they just get a handful of bundle options that don’t really amount to options at all. Luckily, our client Atlantic Broadband is changing all that.

Introducing Choice Bundles from Atlantic Broadband.

Now customers can pick from a wide range of Internet, TV, entertainment, and equipment options, and actually choose the package that they want. A package they actually want. And while it’s not 100% a la carte just yet, it’s a major step and a way different way to buy and sell cable in today’s TV and Internet landscape.

So, we set out to create a launch campaign that was as equally differentiating as the Choice Bundles themselves. It kicked off with a series of spots that look at otherwise everyday, choice-filled spaces, in fun and completely new, Choice Bundle-filled ways. All, to give people what they really want. Choices. Lots of them.

Here’s a taste of the campaign currently running on airwaves, Interwebs, and in print and out-of-home in Atlantic Broadband markets up and down the Eastern U.S.

Atlantic Broadband Choice Bundles – Groceries & Donuts from Full Contact Advertising on Vimeo.



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